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***Nude Content Warning!***

Dirt of My Body


Multiple Video

15s Each

Made of pumpkins, LED lights, wigs

Someday, when I waked up from my bed, I found a lot of dandruff stuck on my pillow. At that moment, I felt despaired. I realised that I, or my body, was a factory producing rubbish, which recalled the sense of the materiality of the body. It was both shameful but appealing, it was abjection that French philosopher Julia Kristeva proposed.

In Chinese stories, there was the "Jiaoren", a creature like the mermaid. They wouldn’t cry with tears but rather pearls. I fell in love with this beautiful fantasy, which provided me with an illusion to hide in, to get away from the gaze of the society.


So I replaced all the excrements with pearls, I became over the society moral standard.

Yellow gloves, a cleaning tool, stand for the resistance of the dirt.

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Still from Poop

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Still from Armpit

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Still from Shaving


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Still from Sleep


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Still from Tartar


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Still from Earwax


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