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The Dress Shop

2023.11  Video  4mins 53s  Performance: Jiarui Ji, Tao Wang

Guy Debord came up with the notion of Spectacle: "The spectacle is not a collection of images, rather, it is a social relation among people, mediated by images.” People purchase spectacles instead of commodities.

Similarly, I view gender more than physical sexuality, it’s more about characters, the masculine or the feminine. Society consumes gender fantasy instead of gender self. 

As for the orange, is orange the only fruit?



2023.11   Performance( recording as Video)   3mins 24s   Performance: Hao Wang, Yi Zhu   Shooting: Nan Zheng

Cooperation work by artist froup 'PIG' (Yi Zhu& Hao Wang).

This video is for dealing with the shame feeling of armpit hair, endowing the armpit hair with the treatment of the eyelash. 


Mannequin in the middle: Mama

On the left ground: Vase Child

On the back wall: Corn with Hair​​​

Video and Sculpture on the right wall: Boxing


Video work in the middle: The Circle of Love

Behind the monitor: Mama

Video on the wall: Nurture

in the corner; Vase Child

***Nudity Warning!***

The Circle of Love


2023.07   Video   6mins 10s  

Performance: Hao Wang, Yi Zhu, Junruo Fang  

Shooting: Nan Zheng

Inspired by the movie Everything Everywhere All At Once, I search my mother’s love in different time and space. Through different costumes, I play different characters with the similarity that we are all caught in a quest for identification and love. It is a circle, I struggle in it. However, when I looked back, I saw my mother’s childhood, her growth was not riddled with love, too. We were all suffered, then who was the cause of pain?

Vase Child


2023.05   Sculpture   10 x 22 x 7 cm   Made of vase, doll


There is a saying that the criminal gang would traffick children and put them in a vase, then the children’s body will stop growth. They would be display as a freak show to earn tickets.

Here the vase continued as the symbol of parents‘ projector, limiting the growth of children.


Corn with Hair


2023.04   Sculpture  

110 x 22 x 7 cm  

Made of corn, wig

Replacing the corn silk with human's hair. A practice continued my last unit research——the abjection of body. The human hair replaced corn silk, blur the boundary between the corn and human. And the hair also recalls the hair on private parts, contains sexual imagination.


MA Degree Show Version


Hao's work on the right side, the two monitors


Hao's work on the left side, the two monitors


Video at left: Foot Binding

Video at right: Fetching Carps



2023.03  Video  30s

Made of Blue and White Vase

Performance: Hao Wang

In China, we would call the people who looks pretty but empty inside as vase. Here, the vase refers to the children who lose their independence because of their parents. The vase was a symbol of the illusory projection of the perfect child that my parents expected, a projection that bound my feet, making my steps difficult and dangerous. Sometimes I think that, extremely, perhaps what parents really need is a vase that allows them to show off their family education and aesthetic, rather than a child who is alive and has a soul.

***Animal Content Warning!***

***None Animal get hurts in the Process!***

Fetching Carps


2023.03  Video  4mins 43s

Performance: Hao Wang, dead fish

This work inspired from an ancient Chinese filial piety story: A young man named Wang Xiang lied on a frozen river in winter, hoping to catch carps to cure his stepmother's illness. I interpreted this story using the carps as a symbol of filial piety and parents, representing the state of children and parents as a cage for each other.​

***Music and dance movements from the movie NeZha Conquers The Dragon King***



2023.03  Video  1min 42s

Made of lift, lotus root, artificial lotus, etc.

Performance: Hao Wang

​Shooting: Nan Zheng

Inspired by the animation film NeZha Conquers The Dragon King, My video re-enacted NeZha‘s rebirth, discussing the ownership of the body of children under the patriarchal system.

With the music of the film, I imitated the dance movements of Nezha’s rebirth with a new arm by lotus roots which was controlled by my two hands. The lotus root arms meaned the abandonment of the old body, the old custom, and the belief of independence and freedom, yet I always needed the old body to cooperate meaning that I was not really free from my original family and the old system.


Video on screens: Dirt of My Body

Posters on the wall: Hair

Pumpkins on the stand: Pumpkin Policy


Posters on the wall: Hair

Pumpkins on the stand: Pumpkin Policy​​


Videos on screens: Dirt of My Body​​


Pumpkin Policy


2022.11  Sculpture  40*45*60cm

Made of pumpkins, LED lights, wigs


Inspired by the just passing by Halloween. Under the current chaotic circumstances, Chinese people were sad and confused. Conversely, in the government‘s propaganda, we all seemed optimistic.


The people are pumpkins that could be carved with faces meeting their needs. The pumpkins are the props in the festival, the people are the tools for advertising the Government’s administration. ​

***Nude Content Warning!***

Dirt of My Body


2022.11  Multiple Video  15s Each

Made of pumpkins, LED lights, wigs

Performance: Hao Wang

Someday, when I waked up from my bed, I found a lot of dandruff stuck on my pillow. At that moment, I felt despaired. I realised that I, or my body, was a factory producing rubbish.


It recalled the sense of the materiality of the body. It was both shameful but appealing, it was abjection that French philosopher Julia Kristeva proposed.

Armpit (Ver.2)


2022.11  Video  20s

Made of myself, pearls, gloves and others

Performance: Hao Wang

It's a development of Dirt of My Body.

Still focused on the armpit (I had a dermatitis there during that time), I built a simple reaction system. When a hand scratched my armpit, my hand would pour the dirt (pearls) off standing for a cleaning process. After this, my body was unified from fragments into a more complicate system.




2022.10  Photography  

4000*6000 (digital iamge)/ A2 (print)

Made of myself, wig, canon camera​​

Not only the excrement, the hair also in the gaze of society aesthetics.


I ever saw my friend's nose hair was out from the nose obviously. I laughed at him at first, but then I was confused and shamed, why did I thought the hair funny and inappropriate? ​Also, the hair has a sense of terror. Hair hardly  rot, it will last for a long time. It was a vague evidence of death. Hair was abject as a loathing feeling of death.




2022.09  Sculpture  40*34*34 cm

Made of gift box, bows, knife, nylon thread

In the name of doing good for you, it actually brings harm. A beautifully packaged gift box, but upon opening, it turns out to be a sharp blade. Is it Pandora's Box or Troy's Trojan Horse?

Left side, pink monitor: Chain

Two monitors on the bench: Harmless Disposal

3 watercolors on the wall: I'm the Fish


Left side, pink monitor: Chain

Two monitors on the bench: Harmless Disposal

3 watercolors on the wall: I'm the Fish


I'm the fish


2022.04  Watercolor  152 x 122 cm *3

​Watercolor on Watercolor Paper

This is a heart wrenching memory, commemorating the suffering of citizens under the lockdown during the pandemic.


Who is the fish?


2022.04  Oil Painting  180 x 30 cm

Oil Painting on Canvas




2022.04  Watercolor  304 x 122 cm

​Watercolor on Watercolor Paper



2022.05  Video 5 mins 20s

Performance: Lvwei Tu, Shenyang Zhao, Junyuan Zha

A human trafficking scandal involving local governments, in which a woman was chained to a dimly lit room and believed to be mentally ill,  but gaving birth to eight children.


This is an unresolved case that has exploded on the internet without any follow-up now...

Chinese-mas Tree


2022.01  Sculpture  25*34*10cm

Mixed Materials


Culture is politics, culture wars are political struggles. There was an invisible policy in China in recent years, which did not encourage Chinese people to participate in Christmas.

Chinese people appreciate the tenacity spirit that pine trees can grow in winter, but they also want to control them in bonsai art. 


Untitled(Watercolor Practices)


2022.01  Watercolor Drawing  31*41cm x 3

​Watercoler on Watercolor paper, lace


Watercolor Practice


2022.01  Watercolor on Watercolor Paper


Social Animals


2021.11  Sculpture  35-11cm

Mixed Materials


Bird (Otaku Culture): In this piece, I replaced the real bird with a radio to satisfy the bird keeper's need to hear the bird's call.

Snail (Existence Pressure): There was a Chinese term “snail’s dwelling”, which described the existence pressure and depression mood of young people who were struggling to earn a house and life.

Butterfly (Appearance Anxiety): The mirror twined with the bandage looked like a patient after the cosmetic surgery. It resembled a chrysalis, the important transformation from an ugly caterpillar into a beautiful butterfly.​

Video for Bird


Collage Practice


2021.05  Digital Collage

Inspired by Puella Magi Madoka Magica


Collage Practice


2021.01  Digital Collage

Inspired by Puella Magi Madoka Magica

Collage Practice


2021.01  Digital Collage

Collage Practice


2021.02  Digital Collage

based on the Madonna del Meadow by Raffaello Santi


Watercolor Drafts(Pearl Corn)

2020.12  Watercolor on Watercolor Paper


Belly Foods(Watercolor Sketch)


2020.11  Watercolor on Watercolor paper

Belly Foods


2020.11  Sculpture  7-14 cm

Made of Clay, Paint

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Watercolor Drafts(Apple)

2020.06  Marker Pen on Plotter Paper




2020.05  Digital Painting




2020.05  Oil Painting  60*30 cm x 3

Oil Paint on Canvas


🍋 (I'm sour)


2020.05  Oil Painting  50*50 cm x 2

Oil Paint on Canvas

A reflection of Internet culture and symbols, a deciphering game. 


The lemon emoji-🍋 is one of the popular ones among Chinese young netizens, in which 'sour' means 'I'm jealous' or 'I'm admired', The lemon was used to express their inner desire.

***Visible Artist Award Shortlisted***


2020.01  Oil Painting  60 x 30 cm

Oil paint on canvas

When I first tasted the green mango, it was an amazing taste experience: sour, sweet, a little bit spicy, a complex flavour that built my impression of it. To a certain extent, the green mango refers to human beings.


Through the colour suggestion, the one exerts hurting and the victim are identified into same one. It is a romantic suicide revealing the truth of self-loathing and disidentification with oneself.​​


Watercolor Drafts(Mango)

2020.01  Watercolor on Watercolor Paper


Watercolor Drafts(Slug Banana)

2019.11  Watercolor on Watercolor Paper

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2019.02  PhotographyOil Painting 4000*6000 P *2

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Diving Piggy


2018  Oil Painting and Sculpture

60*30*120cm + 75*75cm

Oil Paint on Canvas, Packaged Pork, Lifebuoy

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The Moon, Octopus, Hedgehog and Cactus 


2018  Oil painting  

80*90cm, 60*90cm, 60*90cm, 80*90cm

Oil Paint on Canvas, Clay

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Practice of Colors and Emotions


2015  Wax Crayon Painting  

27 x 16 cm * 4

Wax Crayon, Color Lead, Watercolor Paper

Inspired by Gustav Klimit

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